For Supervisors

The aim of a supervisor is to guide their prospective students through their DPhil by providing assistance to their studies.
The obligations for supervisors are set out in the Code of Practice for Supervisors. The Centre for Teaching and Learning provides an online course which all supervisors must complete before they begin to supervise DPhil students.
DPhil supervisors must submit termly reports on their students' progress using the Graduate Supervision Reporting (GSR). Access is via single sign on. Reports must be submitted within 2 weeks of the end of full term to allow time for them to be read by the Graduate and College Advisors. Failure to submit a termly report is viewed as a serious breach of contract and may result in a supervisor being removed from the departmental studentship competitions. The reports are an essential part of the University's commitment to proper assessment and provide an opportunity for student feedback. Problematic issues or concerns about progress should be raised at an early stage and properly documented.
The Medical Sciences Division has put together a useful resource containing information pertaining to graduate students, ranging from information for new students, to skills training, financial matters, academic progression and milestones, and examination regulations. You can access this information via the Medical Sciences Graduate School Canvas site. You will need your Oxford single sign on to get access. This information is aimed at students but is also a good resource for supervisors.
The Charlie Waller Memorial Trust has a number of resources to increase awareness of the signs and the dangers of depression amongst students.