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A person gives a presentation to a group of people sat in a room © Image by Matej Kastelic on Shutterstock

Within the department we have a number of initiatives and schemes which aim to support the career progression of our staff including a mentoring scheme and Leadership Programme. We also recognise staff who have performed well in our Department through the University’s annual Awards for Excellence Scheme and year-round Recognition Scheme. 

Personal Development Review

RDM has an annual Personal Development Review (PDR) Scheme to allow staff to discuss their progress, objectives and training needs with their line manager, and for staff to receive feedback on their performance and achievements. It is also an opportunity to discuss what support you may need to achieve your future objectives and goals, and to discuss your career plans, including any training requirements. All RDM staff who have been in post for more than a year are eligible to receive a PDR.

University training, workshops and courses

You can choose from lots of (mostly) free courses via the University’s course search tool, or do some self-reflection on your level of skills via the Self-diagnosis tool. If you are thinking about your next role but not sure what it might be, the Career Weaver from the University’s Careers Service can help you to consider various elements and decide.

There are also free IT Skills courses available to you, as well as iSkills courses through the Libraries.

Explore the full range of training and development opportunities via the University website.