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We are delighted to announce that 11 RDM researchers have been awarded the Associate Professor title, in recognition of their research achievements, contribution to teaching, and contribution to the general work of the Medical Sciences Division.

Oxford University's Radcliffe Camera and surrounding buildings

Dr Ricardo Carnicer is now Associate Professor of Biomedical Science, Dr Yvonne Couch is Associate Professor of Neuroimmunology, Dr Nicola Curry is Associate Professor of Haematology, Dr Gillian Douglas is Associate Professor of Cardiovascular Science, Dr Lise Estcourt is Associate Professor of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine, Dr Katie Jeffery is Associate Professor of Microbiology and Hospital Epidemiology, Dr Usha Kini is Associate Professor of Genomic Medicine, Dr Hashem Koohy is Associate Professor of Systems Immunology, Dr Adam Lewandowski is Associate Professor of Cardiovascular Science,  Dr Ladislav Valkovic is Associate Professor of Metabolic Imaging, and Dr Bethan Psaila is Associate Professor of Haematology. 

Many congratulations to all!

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