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Congratulations text surrounded by confetti

Staff and students at the Cardiovascular Medicine Division shone at the annual Society for Cardiovascular Magentic Resonance conferene at San Diego, USA. Achievements include:

  • Professor Vanessa Ferreira was elected to the SCMR Vice Treasurer position, which means that she will be SCMR President in three years time. Professor Ferrera was also awarded the inaugural SCMR Education Award for her achievements in CMR education.
  •  Rebecca Mills, OCMR Chief Technologist, was elected as the Chair of the SCMR Technologists Committee.. She will also to sit as the Technologist on the SCMR board of trustees.
  • Jane Francis, OCMR emeritus Chief Technologist, won the first SCMR Technologist Award for her decades of leadership in this field.

Very many congratulations to all!

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