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As of 23 December 2020 OCMR is still open and scanning as usual. Government guidance states that medical appointments should continue so if you have a scan booked with us in the future, your appointment will go ahead as normal unless we phone to tell you otherwise.

© Martin Phelps

We are aware that you may have concerns about visiting OCMR at this time.  We are still providing clinical services for NHS and private patients and we are taking all necessary measures to safeguard our patients, research participants and staff from the risk of contracting Coronavirus/COVID-19.  

 Many patients to OCMR have existing medical conditions which mean they are at greater risk of infection.  We want to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and ensure the safety of everyone coming to OCMR.

Following Government guidance, if you have any of the following Coronavirus symptoms you are advised to re-book your appointment with us to a later date and ensure that you stay at home for 7 days.

You are advised to stay at home if you have either:

  • high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
  • new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

Please refer to the NHS website for further guidance on COVID-19 and self-isolation:


How OCMR are protecting our patients, trial participants, staff and contractors

We are following infection control and PPE guidance issued by the NHS.  We ensure that we review the guidance regularly.

  •  OCMR is only admitting patients and research participants at this time, and companions will be asked to wait outside the unit (with the exception of parents/guardians for minors).
  • We ask that any patients or research participants let us know immediately if they have COVID-19 symptoms and we will change appointments to a later date to give you time to recover.  Our Receptionist will also ask you on arrival if you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms.
  • When speaking to our Receptionist on arrival, please ensure you stand behind the taped line on the floor. Safety questionnaires have been placed on the small tables within the reception area so the Receptionist doesn’t have to hand these to you.
  • We have spaced the chairs out within our reception area so that there is a safe distance between everyone waiting for treatment.  We are also trying our best to ensure that appointments are spaced in such a way to ensure we have a minimum amount of people in the reception area.
  • Hand-sanitizers are available throughout OCMR and everyone is encouraged to use these frequently.
  • Our radiographers all wear Level 1 PPE:  mask, gloves, apron.  All staff have been given instructions about how to look after themselves and will follow NHS guidance to reduce the risk of spreading the virus to patients.
  • Please wear a face covering while you are in OCMR.

If you need any further information on your visit to OCMR at this time, please do not hesitate to contact our Operations Manager on 01865 220245 during normal working hours. 


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