Michael Murphy
Professor of Transfusion Medicine
Mike Murphy is Professor of Transfusion Medicine at the University of Oxford and is Consultant Haematologist for NHS Blood & Transplant (NHSBT) and the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
He provides the leadership for the hospital transfusion and immunohaematology services for the
Oxford University Hospitals. He qualified at St. Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College, University of London, where he completed his training in haematology and became a Senior Lecturer in Haematology. In 1996, he moved to Oxford. The work done by he and his Oxford colleagues using technology to improve the safety and effectiveness of transfusion practice has won numerous national awards and serves as an exemplar for the NHS Quality, Innovation and Productivity (QIPP) initiative. It was highlighted by Chief Medical Officer in 2015 NIHR Annual Report as fool proof way of ensuring transfusion safety with potential savings of >£50 million/year if implemented across NHS. He is a recipient of the British Blood Transfusion Society's Kenneth Goldsmith Award, and co-founded the NHSBT Clinical Studies Unit, its Systematic Reviews Initiative for transfusion medicine and the Transfusion Evidence Library. He chaired a guideline on blood transfusion for the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) which was published in November 2015. He was the 2019 President of the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB), and the 2014-18 Chair of the international research group, the BEST Collaborative. He has received numerous research grants and is the author of more than 250 articles. He has co-edited all five editions of the textbook Practical Transfusion Medicine.
Recent publications
The United Kingdom Infected Blood Inquiry: Its findings and lessons for the future of transfusion.
Murphy MF. et al, (2025), Blood
Understanding variations in the use of tranexamic acid in surgery: a qualitative interview study
Strickland L. et al, (2025), British Joural of Haematology
Frequencies and causes of ABO-incompatible red cell transfusions in France, Germany and the United Kingdom.
Mirrione-Savin A. et al, (2024), Br J Haematol
Current advances in 2024: A critical review of selected topics by the Association for the Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies (AABB) Clinical Transfusion Medicine Committee.
Poston JN. et al, (2024), Transfusion
How do transfusion services manage patients taking therapies such as anti-CD38 and anti-CD47 known to interfere with red blood cell compatibility testing?
Murphy MF. et al, (2024), Transfusion