Stella Keeble
MRC WIMM Institute Administrator
As Institute Administrator I am responsible for the overall smooth running of the Institute. I work closely with the Institute Director and other senior academics to cover all aspects of policy, planning, development, growth and sustainability, whilst enabling the Institute's administrative team to provide the service, resources, advice and information required for the effective operation of the Institute.
I oversee the work of the administrative and support staff in the core team which includes:
- all the financial aspects of the Institute (including purchasing and payments);
- budgeting and financial control;
- research grant applications and post-award grant management;
- contracts;
- recruitment and personnel matters;
- student administration;
- health and safety;
- communication; and
- estates and facilities management.
I particularly focus on strategic planning, HR, legal matters, health and safety and risk management, whilst the Institute's Deputy Administrator, Jude Walker, oversees our financial operations and research grant administration.
I took up my position at the Institute in 2010, having previously been the Administrator for the Nuffield Department of Surgery. Before joining the University I worked for the Medical Research Council in London. I have a BSc (Hons) in Zoology from UCW, a PhD in Developmental Biology from CNAA whilst at Mill Hill and carried out post-doc research in Cell Biology whilst working at ICRF Lincoln's Inn Fields in London (now part of the Francis Crick Institute).