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Despite much of the past 2 years being engulfed by the devastating consequences of the SAR-CoV-2 pandemic, significant progress, even breathtaking, occurred in the field of chronic myeloid malignancies. Some of this was show-cased at the 15th Post-American Society of Hematology (ASH) and the 25th John Goldman workshops on myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) held on 9th-10th December 2020 and 7th-10th October 2021, respectively. The inaugural Post-ASH MPN workshop was set out in 2006 by John Goldman (deceased) and Tariq Mughal to answer emerging translational hematology and therapeutics of patients with these malignancies. Rather than present a resume of the discussions, this perspective focuses on some of the pivotal translational hematology and therapeutic insights in these diseases.

Original publication




Journal article


Hematol Oncol

Publication Date





491 - 504


Myelofibrosis, chronic myeloid leukemia, clinical, systemic mastocytosis, thrombosis, translational, COVID-19, Graft vs Host Disease, Hematology, Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Humans, Myeloproliferative Disorders