Efficient RNS to binary converters for the new 4-moduli set {2n, 2n+1-1, 2n-1, 2n-1-1}
Esmaeildoust M., Navi K., Taheri MR., Amir Molahosseini AS., Khodambashi S.
In this paper, we propose efficient designs of residue number system (RNS) to binary converter for the balanced moduli set {2n, 2n+1 - 1, 2n - 1, 2n-1 - 1} where n has even values. This new moduli set is completely free from modulo-(2k + 1)-type which results in high-speed modulo arithmetic channels for RNS. Also, mixed-radix conversion (MRC) algorithm is used to achieve both an arithmeticbased and reduced-complexity two-level RNS to binary converter architectures. The proposed moduli set provides fast arithmetic operation with higher speed of the reverse converter comparing to other five moduli set which is found in literature. © 2012, The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers. All rights reserved.