The non-invasive transcutaneous measurement of fetal blood gases during labour using a mass spectrometer
Sykes G., Molloy P., Johnson P., Turnbull A., Rolfe P., Burton P., Goddard P.
Continuous simultaneous measurement of skin surface partial pressures for oxygen (PsO2) and carbon dioxide (PsCO2) were made using mass spectrometry in 38 clinical studies. The mass spectrometer was stable and there were encouraging sensitivities and in vivo response times in relation to fetal heart rate (FHR) pattern changes and maternal oxygen administration. There was an overall good relation with biochemical outcome and a significant correlation between fetal blood sample (FBS) PO2 and PsO2 (0.001 < P < 0.01). This system has the potential to increase the precision of intrapartum fetal surveillance and opens up many new research opportunities.