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Twenty-six persons with Laband syndrome have been reported in the literature to date. We report two further unrelated cases and suggest that a skeletal anterior open bite and symmetric soft tissue swelling of the vault of the palate be added to the variable features associated with the syndrome. There is clear evidence in the literature of autosomal dominant inheritance but our analysis indicates that in some cases recessive transmission is likely.



Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol

Publication Date





57 - 63


Abnormalities, Multiple, Child, Ear, External, Female, Fibromatosis, Gingival, Foot Deformities, Congenital, Genes, Dominant, Genes, Recessive, Hand Deformities, Congenital, Humans, Intellectual Disability, Male, Nails, Malformed, Nose, Palate, Syndrome, Tooth, Supernumerary