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Intermediate Research Fellowships are suitable for researchers who are ready to start their own independent research programme and group.

Person in white coat at lab bench with pipette

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Intermediate Research Fellowships play a key role in the career development of researchers within the Radcliffe Department of Medicine who often go onto secure senior fellowships or academic appointments in RDM and other Departments and Universities.

Intermediate fellowships include:

  • BHF Intermediate Basic Science Fellowship
  • BHF Intermediate Clinical Research Fellowship
  • CRUK Career Development Fellowship
  • CRUK Advanced Clinician Scientist Fellowship
  • Diabetes UK RD Lawrence Fellowship
  • ERC Starting Grant
  • MRC Career Development Award
  • MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship
  • Royal Society University Research Fellowship
  • Wellcome Career Development Award

Fellows will benefit from:

  • Our mentoring scheme
  • Ten days of continuing professional development
  • Career development opportunities including a mid-term review

If you wish to apply for an intermediate fellowship from a UK or international funding scheme hosted in RDM you must submit an Expression of Interest (EoI).

When to submit an Expression of Interest

There are three EoI rounds per year. The dates in 2025 are:

  • 13 January 
  • Apr/May (TBC)
  • Sept/Oct (TBC)

You must submit your EoI three months before the submission deadline of the fellowship scheme that you want to apply to.

How to submit an Expression of Interest

You should submit the following information to

  • A completed EoI template 
  • A CV, including a list of your publications
  • An outline of your intended research programme (up to two pages max)
  • Confidential supporting statements from at least two referees who know your research well.

Your EoI will be assessed by the Academic Career Panel against the following criteria

  • Strategic fit: the proposed research must align strongly with RDM's research strengths and strategic priorities
  • Research trajectory: the candidate's track record must provide demonstrable evidence of a research trajectory, in relation to their career stage, that would make them competitive for the proposed fellowship opportunities and likely to secure funding
  • Suitability of the Fellowship: the candidate's career stage must be appropriate for the fellowship opportunities and there should be clear benefits to the candidate applying for the fellowship now. The proposed research should be aligned with the research themes and objectives of the proposed funder(s).
  • Space and facility access: the Department must be able to provide access to the appropriate space and facilities required for the proposed research.

To be successful your EoI must demonstrate how you meet all the assessment criteria.

What to expect if you are selected to apply

You will receive support with your application including internal peer review by members of the Department and mock interviews will be arranged if you are invited to interview

RDM's support does not guarantee the successful award of a fellowship or a position in the Department if a fellowship is not awarded.

How the Department will support you to achieve success

Once you have obtained an intermediate fellowship, the Department can provide a wealth of support and advice to assist you in maximising the success of your fellowship and achieving your future career goals including:

  • Support for applying for external funding
  • Access to diverse range of internal funding schemes to support research, including pilot projects
  • Opportunities to supervise DPhil students through the Department's direct entry graduate scheme and other University DPhil programme
  • Support to apply for the University title of Associate Professor once the appropriate standard has been achieved
  • A review at the mid-point of the fellowship to provide feedback and mentoring, and to identify areas for targeted support to help you maximise your career potential
  • The potential for a transition fellowship, which, if required, will cover your salary for up to two years at the end of your intermediate fellowship to support you to apply for a senior fellowship to further establish your research programme in RDM, if this is your chosen career path and the mid-point review suggests that you are on a trajectory that means you are likely to be successful in securing a fellowship.