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The University offers a range of support initiatives to help you balance work and family at all stages of your life, including schemes for caring of elderly, sick or disabled relatives, parental leave policies, childcare services and finance and more.

A group of children around a table doing artwork © Image by Yan Krukau on Pexels

RDM Sponsored nursery places

The University has a scheme that enables colleges and departments to nominate staff or students for a priority place on the nursery waiting list (called a “sponsored place”). RDM has been allocated five sponsored places for 2023-25. Please note that a sponsored place does not guarantee a nursery place, and recipients of sponsored places will be liable to pay all nursery fees. For full details of eligibility and how to apply for an RDM sponsored nursery place, please see policy and application form below:

RDM policy for allocation of sponsored nursery places

Application Form

If you are on the University’s nursery waiting list at the moment and you wish to be considered for a sponsored space, please complete the application form and return to

Work + Family Space

University employees are eligible for free access to the Work+Family Space, an external, national provider of information and support for those with caring, and other family responsibilities. By registering with Work+Family Space you can access a "speak to an expert" phone service to answer questions you have about any aspect of caring, such as sourcing care for an elderly dependent, setting in place a power of attorney, or finding emergency back-up care for a dependant of any age.

Holiday playschemes and sitters

The University has links with a number of organisations across the city, from babysitting services to school holiday and sport camps.

More information can be found on the Additional Childcare webpages.


Visit the University webpages for more initiatives to support work and family life.