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RDM has an annual Personal Development Review (PDR) Scheme to allow staff to discuss their progress, objectives and training needs with their line manager, and for staff to receive feedback on their performance and achievements.

Two female colleagues chat while drinking from coffee mugs

The PDR process is also an opportunity to discuss what support you may need to achieve your future objectives and goals, and to discuss your career plans, including any training requirements. All RDM staff who have been in post for more than a year are eligible to receive a PDR.

The framework for the process is:

  • Individuals will prepare for the annual review discussion by reflecting on their progress against agreed objectives/core areas of work for the previous year; considering whether their job description accurately reflects the requirements of the role; proposing draft objectives for the forthcoming year; and suggesting any associated training and development needs.
  • Individuals, and their line managers/supervisors, will share their reflections on these issues in advance of the discussion (either in writing or orally), to enable both parties to reflect on the issues raised and to prepare adequately for the discussion.

The annual discussion will cover:

  • a review of progress towards the individual’s objectives for the previous year
  • a review of the core areas of the individual’s current role and responsibilities and how these are being interpreted
  • discussion of successes in achieving objectives, or undertaking activities, over the past year
  • the identification of any barriers to the achievement of objectives or activities and possible remedies
  • agreement of appropriate objectives or activities for the following year, linked as relevant to departmental plans and the University’s Strategic Plan
  • consideration of the individual’s immediate development needs, including training, and other support requirements; and the effectiveness of any training or development carried out over the previous review period
  • with the agreement of the individual, discussion of longer-term career development, including any support required and any opportunities for life-long learning

PDRs are managed locally in divisions across RDM, with specific information and relevant forms available on your divisional website. Alternatively, please contact your local personnel team or local Administrator for more information.

PDR toolkits are available for: research staff (reviewers); research staff (reviewees); support staff (reviewers) and support staff (reviewees) to provide as much guidance as possible for all involved in the PDR process.

PDR form Template

Example copy of a PDR form

NEW PDR Pilot Scheme

We are working with a number of other departments across the Medical Sciences Division to pilot an on-line Personal Development Review (PDR) system. We have a small number of licences available for users within RDM who wish to access the online system.