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Dr Ewa Gogola from the Patel Group in the MRC Molecular Haematology Unit has been awarded funding by the Wellcome Trust for the project ‘DNA damage-induced hepatocyte polyploidisation- how it happens and what are its consequences?’

"The liver is a vital organ that detoxifies many harmful substances which can damage DNA – the blueprint of life" says Dr Gogola. "My research aims to understand how liver cells cope with such damage. This will provide insight into the origin of liver cancer and ageing in this essential organ."

"I look forward to addressing these fundamental questions with the support from Wellcome Trust. I would like to thank WT and all the people who helped me in the process."

The Wellcome Early Career Award programme aims to provide funding for early-career researchers to design, plan and deliver projects that ‘deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing’. The awards support early-career researchers on the path to leading their own research programmes.

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