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Stephen Hyde, Professor of Molecular Therapy, has been appointed as RDM's Cross-Cutting Research Theme Lead for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products, effective from October 2024.

This new theme will catalyse novel advanced therapy medicinal products development within RDM and help facilitate both academic investigator led and bio-pharma industry partnered clinical interventions.
- Professor Stephen Hyde

RDM's cross-cutting research themes represent research priorities that the Department coalesces around in order to support strategic planning, investment and delivery of our research strategy. 

Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products, including cell therapies for cancer treatments or tissue repair, and gene therapies for inherited diseases, are twenty-first century medicines with enormous potential.

This cross-cutting research theme will bring together research groups across the Radcliffe Department of Medicine (RDM) with strong backgrounds in inherited disease-causing gene identification, disease modulating gene editing, viral and non-viral gene therapy vector development and manufacturing, in vitro and in vivo disease model development, CAR-T and similar immune modulating therapies and cell therapy manufacturing.

Earlier this year, we set up the Biomedical Metabolism Cross-Cutting Research Theme.