Update: final programme now available. Registration and poster submission deadline has now passed: email RDM communications if you have any queries.
This year our keynote speaker will be Professor Chas Bountra, University of Oxford Pro Vice-Chancellor for Innovation, as well as Professor of Translational Medicine and Head of the Structural Genomics Consortium at Oxford.
Part of the day will be devoted to a poster session where students and postdocs/fellows, based in research groups within RDM, can present their research in a poster format.
The day's programme will include speakers and poster sessions from 9 am to 5 pm, followed by drinks reception.
Registration closed on Wednesday 27 February. Please note that you do need to register even if you are submitting a poster abstract.
Call for posters
The call for poster abstracts is now closed. Abstracts will be reviewed and the best abstracts selected for poster presentation at the symposium, and you will be notified two weeks before the symposium if your abstract has been selected.
The abstract submission deadline was noon on Monday 18th February 2019. Please use the abstract template format and email your abstract to communications@rdm.ox.ac.uk
Guidelines for submitting an abstract
- Please use the template above and submit as a Word document (not PDF).
- Limit all content to one A4 page, including any figures and graphics.
- Please keep to the margins of the document, and note that the main text should be approximately 250 words, in Calibri 11 (text linked to images in Calibri 9).
- Give the title of your abstract, followed by authors’ names and affiliations.
- Underline the presenting author and identify if they are a DPhil student or postdoc/fellow.
- Include the research rationale (written for a non-specialist audience), methodology, results and conclusions.
- Citations should be numbered sequentially in the text and kept to a minimum.
- A figure can be included if appropriate.
- We encourage the inclusion of a graphical abstract, which is a single‐panel image that is designed to give non-specialised readers an immediate understanding of the poster’s take‐home message.
- Email the final abstract to communications@rdm.ox.ac.uk
Please note that as we are limited in the number of posters we can display: we would suggest that no more than 2-3 abstracts are submitted per research group.
Any questions should be directed to Kathleen Dolan (kathleen.dolan@rdm.ox.ac.uk or (2)31458).
There will be a prize for the best student poster and the best postdoc/fellow (non-student) poster.