Contact information
Department of Clinical Haematology, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, OX3 9DU
Michael Desborough
BMedSci(Hons), MB ChB, FRCP, FRCPath, DPhil
Consultant Haematologist & Associate Professor of Haematology
The main focus of my research is assessing whether desmopressin could be used for treatment of thrombocytopenia or platelet dysfunction.
Platelets are a key part of clot formation. Patients with too few platelets, or platelets which are dysfunctional, are vulnerable to bleeding. One way to treat these patients is by transfusing platelets from a blood donor but this approach is often not effective. I am aiming to determine if desmopressin (a drug which increases platelet adhesion by stimulating release of Von Willebrand Factor) could be an effective adjuvant, or alternative treatment.
I am using a combination of methods to assess the value of desmopressin in this setting including meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials; laboratory assessment of thrombus formation under flow; and observational trials. I am leading two randomised placebo-controlled feasibility trials: desmopressin for prevention of bleeding in thrombocytopenia (DRIVE) and desmopressin for treatment of stroke due to haemorrhage (DASH).
Key publications
Desborough MJR. et al, (2023), Lancet Neurol, 22, 557 - 567
Odutayo A. et al, (2017), Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2, 354 - 360
Thomas W. et al, (2021), J Thromb Haemost
Schofield J. et al, (2022), Br J Haematol
Dutt T. et al, (2020), Blood
Recent publications
Griffiths BJ. et al, (2024), Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol
TREATT Trial Investigators None., (2024), Lancet Haematol
Piechnik SK. et al, (2024), Br J Haematol
Aggarwal A. et al, (2024), Transfus Med
Vera-Aviles M. et al, (2024), Eur Heart J