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Research groups
Siavash Khodambashi
Applications Programmer
- Development of UKPDS Outcomes Model Diabetes Type1 & Type2 simulation software
- Development of Electronic Trial Master File system and maintenance of the servers
Responding to software needs related to clinical trials
Software Developer
Siavash Khodambashi is a software programmer and web developer at the Diabetes Trials Unit (DTU). He is responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining web-based and desktop applications to support clinical trials, as well as software packages developed in the DTU for external users.
In his role, Siavash works closely with the Head of Informatics to ensure the smooth operation of all essential DTU computing systems and software, providing technical expertise and support in the development and maintenance of the DTU network and servers. He is also responsible for tracking programming requests, actions, and outcomes, creating test documents, performing demonstrations, and providing training in DTU systems.
With an educational background in Physics, an MSc, and a PhD in computer engineering, Siavash has brought his technical knowledge, analytical skills, and problem-solving abilities to the DTU since January 2023. Prior to joining the DTU, Siavash spent 10 years teaching, researching, and programming at the university level.
Siavash is passionate about cyber security and is interested in methods, tools, and techniques that support engineers in the development of software systems that are secure and protect data privacy. He has conducted several studies and research projects in this area, focusing on quantum cryptography, cryptography, Android, and machine learning techniques.
Recent publications
MVDroid: an android malicious VPN detector using neural networks
Seraj S. et al, (2023), Neural Computing and Applications
HamDroid: permission-based harmful android anti-malware detection using neural networks
Seraj S. et al, (2022), Neural Computing and Applications
A quantum blind signature scheme for electronic payments
Khodambashi S. and Zakerolhosseini A., (2014), 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEE 2014, 879 - 884
A sessional blind signature based on quantum cryptography
Khodambashi S. and Zakerolhosseini A., (2014), Quantum Information Processing, 13, 121 - 130
Efficient RNS to binary converters for the new 4-moduli set {2n, 2n+1-1, 2n-1, 2n-1-1}
Esmaeildoust M. et al, (2012), ieice electronics express, 9, 1 - 7