The impact of trisomy 21 on epidemiology, management, and outcomes of congenital duodenal obstruction: a population-based study.
Bethell GS., Long A-M., Knight M., Hall NJ., BAPS-CASS None.
PURPOSE: Congenital duodenal obstruction (CDO) is associated with trisomy 21 (T21), or Down's syndrome, in around a third of infants. The aim of this study was to explore the impact of T21 on the epidemiology, management, and outcomes of infants with CDO. METHODS: Data were prospectively collected from specialist neonatal surgical centres in the United Kingdom over a 12 month period from March 2016 using established population-based methodology for all babies with CDO. Infants with T21 were compared to those without any chromosomal anomaly. RESULTS: Of 102 infants with CDO that underwent operative repair, T21 was present in 33 [32% (95% CI 23-41%)] babies. Cardiac anomalies were more common in those with T21 compared to those without a chromosomal anomaly (91 vs 17%, p