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Fructosamine is a measure of short-term glycemic control, which has been suggested as a useful complement to glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) for the diagnosis and monitoring of diabetes. To date, a single genome-wide association study (GWAS) including 8,951 US White and 2,712 US Black individuals without a diabetes diagnosis has been published. Results in Whites and Blacks yielded different association loci, near RCN3 and CNTN5, respectively. Here we performed a GWAS on 20,734 European ancestry blood donors, and meta-analysed our results with previous data from US White participants from The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study (Nmeta=29,685). We identified a novel association near GCK (rs3757840, betameta=0.0062, MAF=0.49, pmeta=3.66x10-08) and confirmed the association near RCN3 (rs113886122, betameta=0.0134, MAF=0.17, pmeta= 5.71x10-18). Co-localization analysis with whole blood eQTL data suggested FCGRT as the effector transcript at the RCN3 locus. We further showed that fructosamine has low heritability (h2=7.7%), has no significant genetic correlation with HbA1c and other glycemic traits in individuals without a diabetes diagnosis (p>0.05), but has evidence of shared genetic etiology with some anthropometric traits (Bonferroni corrected p<0.0012). Our results broaden knowledge of the genetic architecture of fructosamine and prioritize FCGRT for downstream functional studies atthe established RCN3 locus.

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