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Since the work stress has become a major problem in work organization and the risk of morbidity of cardiovascular diseases is greater among the ones exposed to variety of stressors, it is important to point out the methods for its recognition, solution and prevention. Work stress presents a series of circumstances that lead to harmful physiological, psychological and behavioural reactions in employees whose capacities do not match work demands. Assessing the risk at work includes identification of harmful effects both on employees and on the entire organization. Stress is not always easily detectable, and sometimes it is necessary to use special work stress related questionnaires in order to get a full view of the employees' stress level. It is necessary to schedule regular check-ups, interview employees about their health and tell them whom to address about the problems, and to ensure interdisciplinary approach that includes psychologists, occupational medicine specialists and experts on protection at work. There are a number of methods by which the risk of work stress can be reduced. These include primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. Contemporary work stress management should cover tertiary prevention that includes reduction of further harmful effects on individual or on people who are exposed to stressors. The term prevention comprises two approaches: changing individuals through work stress related training, and reduction of work stress through changing work organization. Steps toward prevention include: preparation phase, identification of the problem, designing and implementing interventions and evaluation of the interventions. Solving work stress problems is a complex, interdisciplinary task which reduces future negative consequences on the organization and on the employee.


Journal article



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121 - 126