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Routine hemostasis parameters such as prothrombin time and fibrinogen are frequently abnormal in patients with chronic liver disease and have been demonstrated to be poor predictors for periprocedural bleeding. Alterations in procoagulant and anticoagulant factors in this population result in a state of rebalanced hemostasis, which is not reflected by routine hemostatic measures. Viscoelastic hemostatic assays (VHA) present a point of care measure of global hemostasis with an emerging role in guiding transfusion in the liver transplant setting. The potential role for VHA in guiding periprocedural transfusion is unknown. Here we critically appraise the available limited evidence on the use of VHA to guide prophylactic treatment in patients with cirrhosis undergoing procedures. We assess whether the impact of a VHA-guided approach improves clinical outcomes. Suggested areas for future research with a focus on clinically relevant outcomes, particularly periprocedural bleeding, are highlighted.

Original publication




Journal article


Transfus Med Rev

Publication Date



Cirrhosis, Hemostasis, Liver, Thromboelastography, Thromboelastometry