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Whole blood donors lose iron while donating and frequent blood donation is therefore known to induce a risk of iron deficiency and/or anemia. In this review we present, compare and discuss the pros and cons of 4 distinctive donor iron management strategies in England, Finland, the Netherlands, and Denmark. Donor iron management policies in the countries concerned are described for the year 2021, and data on donor and donation numbers, low hemoglobin (Hb) deferral rates and Hb levels are presented. In England Hb levels were only measured in donors failing a copper sulphate test, while in the other 3 countries Hb is measured at every donation. In Finland, donors considered at risk of iron deficiency receive iron supplements, while in the Netherlands, ferritin-guided donation intervals without iron supplementation are in place. In Denmark, iron supplementation is provided to donors with low ferritin levels. Low-Hb deferral rates and average Hb levels are quite similar across the included countries, with the exception of higher deferral rates in England. To conclude, despite significant diversity in donor iron management approaches, low Hb deferral rates and average Hb levels are similar among the included countries except for England, where higher deferral rates were observed that are likely attributed to the absence of iron supplementation or ferritin-guided deferral. Achieving an optimal, more tailored iron management strategy requires further research and a nuanced understanding of both donor demographics and physiological responses to optimize the effectiveness and safety of blood donation practices.

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Transfus Med Rev

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Blood donation, Donor health, Hemoglobin, Iron deficiency