Crystallization of a soluble form of the rat T-cell surface glycoprotein CD4 complexed with Fab from the W3/25 monoclonal antibody.
Davis SJ., Brady RL., Barclay AN., Harlos K., Dodson GG., Williams AF.
The structure of the T-lymphocyte cell surface glycoprotein CD4 is of considerable biological and medical interest. Recombinant rat CD4 expressed in soluble form in mammalian cells and complexed with W3/25 monoclonal Fab fragments formed crystals that diffract to 3.5 A and have the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2 or P2(1)2(1)2(1). The unit cell has dimensions a = 317 A, b = 161 A and c = 41.8 A and the asymmetric unit consists of two CD4:Fab complexes. These crystals are of suitable quality for X-ray diffraction analysis.