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The Plasmodium falciparum Genome Project is a collaborative effort by many laboratories that will provide detailed molecular information about the parasite, which may be used for developing practical control measures. Initial goals are to prepare an electronically indexed clone bank containing partially sequenced clones representing up to 80% of the parasite's genes and to prepare an ordered set of overlapping clones spanning each of the parasite's 14 chromosomes. Currently, clones of genomic DNA, prepared as yeast artificial chromosomes, are arranged into contigs covering approximately 70% of the genome of parasite clone 3D7, gene sequence tags are available from more than contigs covering approximately 70% of the genome of parasite clone 3D7, gene sequence tags are available from more than 20% of the parasite's genes, and approximately 5% of the parasite's genes are tentatively identified from similarity searches of entries in the international sequence databases. A total of > 0.5 Mb of P. falciparum sequence tag data is available. The gene sequence tags are presently being used to complete YAC contig assembly and localize the cloned genes to positions on the physical map in preparation for sequencing the genome. Routes of access to project information and services are described.



Mol Biochem Parasitol

Publication Date





1 - 12


Animals, Cell Nucleus, Chromosome Mapping, DNA, Complementary, Gene Expression, Genes, Protozoan, Genome, Protozoan, Molecular Sequence Data, Organizations, Plasmodium falciparum, Sequence Analysis, DNA