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Investigators: Gerton Lunter and Martin Goodson
Description: Stampy is a package for the mapping of short reads from illumina sequencing machines onto a reference genome. It's recommended for most workflows, including those for genomic resequencing, RNA-Seq and Chip-seq. Stampy excels in the mapping of reads containing that contain sequence variation relative to the reference, in particular for those containing insertions or deletions. It can map reads from a highly divergent species to a reference genome for instance. Stampy achieves high sensitivity and speed by using a fast hashing algorithm and a detailed statistical model. Stampy has the following features:
  • Maps single, paired-end and mate pair Illumina reads to a reference genome
  • Fast: about 20 Gbase per hour in hybrid mode (using BWA)
  • Low memory footprint: 2.7 Gb shared memory for a 3Gbase genome
  • High sensitivity for indels and divergent reads, up to 10-15%
  • Low mapping bias for reads with SNPs
  • Well calibrated mapping quality scores
  • Input: Fastq and Fasta; gzipped or plain
  • Output: SAM, Maq's map file
  • Optionally calculates per-base alignment posteriors
  • Optionally processes part of the input
  • Handles reads of up to 4500 bases
Reference: Lunter and Goodson. Stampy: a statistical algorithm for sensitive and fast mapping of Illumina sequence reads. Genome Res. 2011. 21:936-939. (Link to paper)

Stampy documentation
Stampy registration and download

Contact: Gerton Lunter