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ISAP examines the effects of oral semaglutide, a glucagon-like protein-1 receptor agonist used for diabetes, on the build-up of proteins in the brain characterising Alzheimer’s Disease (amyloid and tau), brain inflammation, and people’s memory and thinking abilities. People included in ISAP are at higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease because of having the protein amyloid in their brains.


One-year randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, superiority trial led through a collaboration between the Diabetes Trials Unit and the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford, and the global healthcare company, Novo Nordisk. ISAP will recruit 88 volunteers with high brain amyloid (so-called ‘amyloid-positive’) currently living without dementia from 5 UK clinical sites in Oxford, London (Imperial College and University College), Exeter and Bristol.



  • To explore the effect of semaglutide on the rate of accumulation of tau protein in the brain.


  • To explore other potential mechanisms of action and effects of semaglutide on the pathway for Alzheimer’s disease including neuroinflammation, biomarkers in blood for Alzheimer’s disease, memory, thinking ability, neurodegeneration, health-related quality of life, levels of physical activity, and circadian rhythms. 


Protocol for a double-blind placebo-controlled randomised controlled trial assessing the impact of oral semaglutide in amyloid positivity (ISAP) in community dwelling UK adults
Ivan Koychev , Amanda I Adler, Paul Edison, Brian Tom, Joanne E Milton, Joe Butchart, Adam Hampshire, Charles Marshall, Elizabeth Coulthard, Henrik Zetterberg, Peter Hellyer, Francesca Cormack, Benjamin R Underwood, Catherine J Mummery, Rury R Holman
BMJ Open 2024;14:e081401. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2023-081401


Chief Investigator Ivan Koychev



Amanda I. Adler

Rury R. Holman

Sponsor University of Oxford
Funder Novo Nordisk A/S
Reference number

ISRCTN 71283871

Trial Manager


Jennifer Lawson

If you are interested in taking part please contact: 

Hannah Bass
Tel: 01865 618291



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