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Four people are standing together in lab coats.

There are several Blood and Transplant Units (BTRUs) in England - each with a different focus. However, we all have a shared commitment to Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement - or PPIE. We meet regularly to share ideas, discuss important issues and offer support.

John Ansell (second left) kindly represented our group with Dr Karen Shaw, PPIE Manager, at the October meeting. This was held at the world-class NHS Blood and Transplant facility in Barnsley. We were also treated to a guided tour. This showed how everyone can contribute to improving care and saving lives! John discovered that his donated blood and plasma were processed at this very facility in Barnsley.

Sajid (centre), a Patient Partner from another BTRU, was delighted to meet the staff who prepared the blood needed for his regular transfusions for Thalassemia. The staff were just as pleased to meet him and hear what a real difference their work makes to people’s lives.

Finally, we met someone who supports our very own BTRU in Precision Cellular Therapeutics - by providing technical services to laboratory-based researchers. It was amazing to see how our different roles combine to make such a positive difference!