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Selection of images from Antoniades' Group

Adipose tissue is now considered to be a ‘biochemical factory’ in the human body, producing a wide range of bioactive molecules, such as adipokines and adipocytokines. These molecules exert local autocrine effects, but they also have paracrine and endocrine properties, playing a critical role in cardiovascular disease pathogenesis. Our group studies the mechanisms by which different adipose tissue depots in the human body affect vascular and myocardial disease pathogenesis, with specific focus on changes in redox-sensitive inflammatory mechanisms. We also search for novel therapeutic strategies targeting vascular and myocardial disease pathogenesis in obesity and diabetes. We have recently discovered a series of novel ‘inside-to-outside’ signals from the cardiovascular system to the adipose tissue, and introduced the concept of bi-directional communication channels between the human heart/vessels and adipose tissue, that play a role in the cardiovascular complications of obesity/insulin resistance and diabetes.


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