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Head of Division

Researcher using microscope

Specific research groups include:

The Buchan Group's Laboratory of Cerebral Ischemia is a pre-clinical research group aiming to uncover mechanisms of cell death in stroke, and develop novel strategies to reduce this. Group members have also developed in-vitro models for neurological diseases.

The MRC Translational Immune Discovery Unit (TIDU) aims to uncover the molecular pathways driving immune-mediated diseases – researchers in the unit develop and harness new technologies to map the causes and molecular drivers of a series of inflammatory disorders in order to develop better ways to treat them.

Professor Alison Simmons is the Head of Investigative Medicine.

Researchers have major collaborations with the MRCthe Wellcome TrustCRUK and the NIHR, as well as cross-departmental collaborations such as Human Iron Research at Oxford (HIRO). 

Latest news

Award to support RDM research in dementia after stroke

Race Against Dementia, in partnership with Alzheimer’s Research UK have awarded just over £340k to support research into understanding why some people develop dementia after suffering a stroke.