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Published papers

  • Mergenthaler P, Balami JS, Neuhaus AA, Mottahedin A, Albers GW, Rothwell PM, Saver JL, Young ME, and Buchan AM. Stroke in the Time of Circadian Medicine Circulation Research, 2024, 134 (6) 770-790








  • Mandeville ET, Buchan AM, Tiedt S. Not open and shut: Complex and prolonged blood-brain barrier responses after stroke J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2024 Mar;44(3):446-448. DOI: 10.1177/0271678X231216153


  • Walther J, Kirsch EM, Hellwig L, Schmerbeck SS, Holloway PM, Buchan AM, Mergenthaler P. Reinventing the Penumbra - the Emerging Clockwork of a Multi-modal Mechanistic Paradigm. Transl Stroke Res. 2023 Oct;14(5):643-666. DOI: 10.1007/s12975-022-01090-9


  • Seners P, Mlynash M, Sreekrishnan A, Ter Schiphorst A, Arquizan C, Costalat V, Henon H, Bretzner M, Heit JJ, Olivot JM, Lansberg MG, Albers GW; Infarct-Growth collaborators. Infarct Core Growth During Interhospital Transfer For Thrombectomy Is Faster At Night. Stroke. 2023 Aug;54(8):2167-2171.DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.043643


  • Burbano VG, Wölfer TA, Vlegels N, Quandt F, Zimmermann H, Wischmann J, Kellert L, Liebig T, Dimitriadis K, Saver JL, Tiedt S;  Association of the time of day of EVT with clinical outcomes and benefit from successful recanalization after stroke. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2023 Oct;10(10):1917-1923.DOI: 10.1002/acn3.51877 


  • Sreekrishnan A, Seners P, Yuen N, Olivot JM, Mlynash M, Lansberg MG, Heit JJ, Lee S, Michel P, Strambo D, Salerno A, Paredes JBE, Carrera E, Albers GW. Elevated Hypoperfusion Intensity Ratio (HIR) observed in patients with a large vessel occlusion (LVO) presenting in the evening. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2023 Aug;32(8):107172. DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2023.107172


  • Pariona-Vargas F, Mun KT, Lo EH, Starkman S, Sanossian N, Hosseini MB, Stratton S, Eckstein M, Conwit RA, Liebeskind DS, Sharma LK, Rao NM, Shkirkova K, Avila G, Kim-Tenser MA, Saver JL; FAST-MAG Investigators. Circadian variation in stroke onset: Differences between ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke and weekdays versus weekends. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2023 Jul;32(7):107106.DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2023.107106


  • Saver JL, Klerman EB, Buchan AM, Calleja P, Lizasoain I, Bahr-Hosseini M, Lee S, Liebeskind DS, Mergenthaler P, Mun KT, Ning M, Pelz D, Ray D, Rothwell PM, Seners P, Sreekrishnan A, Sung EM, Tiedt S, Webb AJS, Wölfer TA, Albers GW Consensus Recommendations for Standardized Data Elements, Scales, and Time Segmentations in Studies of Human Circadian/Diurnal Biology and Stroke. Stroke. 2023 Jul;54(7):1943-1949. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.122.041394


  • Skapetze L, Owino S, Lo EH, Arai K, Merrow M, Harrington M. Rhythms in barriers and fluids: Circadian clock regulation in the aging neurovascular unit. Neurobiol Dis. 2023 Jun 1;181:106120. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2023.106120. Epub 2023 Apr 10. Erratum in: Neurobiol Dis. 2023 Jun 15;182:106162. DOI: 10.1016/j.nbd.2023.106120


  • Bahr-Hosseini M, Meißner N, Reidler P, Saver JL, Tiedt S. Plasma CGRP Levels Are Not Associated With Collateral Flow and Outcome After Stroke. Stroke. 2023 May;54(5):e203-e204. DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.042580 


  • Reidler P, Brehm A, Sporns PB, Burbano VG, Stueckelschweiger L, Broocks G, Liebig T, Psychogios MN, Ricke J, Dimitriadis K, Dichgans M, Kunz WG, Tiedt S. Circadian rhythm of ischaemic core progression in human stroke. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2023 Jan;94(1):70-73. DOI: 10.1136/jnnp-2021-326072


  • Klerman EB, Kramer A, and Zee PC From Bench to Bedside and Back Again: translating circadian science to medicine J Biol Rhythms. 2023 Apr; 38(2): 125–130. doi: 10.1177/07487304221142743


  • Li W, Mandeville ET, Duran-Laforet V, Fukuda N, Yu Z, Zheng Y, Held A, Park JH, Nakano T, Takana M, Shi J, Esposito E, Niu W, Xing C, Hayakawa K, Lizasoain I, van Leyen K, Ji X, Wainger B, Moro M, Lo EH. Endothelial cells regulate astrocyte to neural progenitor cell trans-differentiation in a mouse model of stroke. Nat Commun 2022; 13:7812.


  • Klerman EB, Brager A, Carskadon MA, Depner CM, Foster R, Goel N, Harrington M, Holloway PM, Knauert MP, LeBourgeois MK, Lipton J, Merrow M, Montagnese S, Ning M, Ray D, Scheer FAJL, Shea SA, Skene DJ, Spies C, Staels B, St-Onge M, Tiedt S, Zee PC, Burgess HJ. Keeping an eye on circadian time in clinical research and medicine. Clin Transl Med. 2022 Dec;12(12):e1131


  • Esposito E, Zhang F, Park JH, Mandeville ET, Li W, Cuartero MI, Lizasoaín I, Moro MA, Lo EH. Diurnal Differences in Immune Response in Brain, Blood and Spleen After Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Mice. Stroke. 2022 Nov 2.


  • Tiedt S, Buchan AM, Dichgans M, Lizasoain I, Moro MA, Lo EH. The neurovascular unit and systemic biology in stroke - implications for translation and treatment. Nat Rev Neurol. 2022 Oct;18(10):597-612.


  • Mandeville ET, Li W, Quinto-Alemany D, Zhang F, Esposito E, Nakano T, Mandeville JB, Lee J, Park JH, Arai K, Waeber C, Lizasoain I, Moro MÁ, Lo EH. Fingolimod Does Not Reduce Infarction After Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Mice During Active or Inactive Circadian Phases. Stroke. 2022 Oct 12.


  • Walther J, Kirsch EM, Hellwig L, Schmerbeck SS, Holloway PM, Buchan AM, Mergenthaler P. Reinventing the Penumbra - the Emerging Clockwork of a Multi-modal Mechanistic Paradigm. Transl Stroke Res. 2022 Oct 11.


  • Ryu WS, Hong KS, Jeong SW, Park JE, Kim BJ, Kim JT, Lee KB, Park TH, Park SS, Park JM, Kang K, Cho YJ, Park HK, Lee BC, Yu KH, Oh MS, Lee SJ, Kim JG, Cha JK, Kim DH, Lee J, Han MK, Park MS, Choi KH, Lee J, Saver JL, Lo EH, Bae HJ, Kim DE. Association of ischemic stroke onset time with presenting severity, acute progression, and long-term outcome: A cohort study. PLoS Med. 4;19(2) (2022)  10.1371/journal.pmed.1003910


  • Reidler P, Brehm A, Sporns PB, Burbano VG, Stueckelschweiger L, Broocks G, Liebig T, Psychogios MN, Ricke J, Dimitriadis K, Dichgans M, Kunz WG, Tiedt S. Circadian rhythm of ischaemic core progression in human stroke. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. (2021)


  • Lo EH, Albers GW, Dichgans M, Donnan G, Esposito E, Foster R, Howells DW, Huang YG, Ji X, Klerman EB, Lee S, Li W, Liebeskind DS, Lizasoain I, Mandeville ET, Moro MA, Ning M, Ray D, Sakadžić S, Saver JL, Scheer FAJL, Selim M, Tiedt S, Zhang F, Buchan AM. Circadian Biology and Stroke. Stroke. 52(6):2180-2190 (2021)


  • Esposito E, Li W, T Mandeville E, Park JH, Şencan I, Guo S, Shi J, Lan J, Lee J, Hayakawa K, Sakadžić S, Ji X, Lo EH.. Potential circadian effects on translational failure for neuroprotection. Nature 582, 395–398 (2020).


In Press

 Zhang A, Mandeville ET, Xu L, Stary CM, Lo EH, Lieber CM. Ultra-flexible endovascular probes for brain recording through micron-scale vasculature. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 Mar 23:2023.03.20.533576. doi: 10.1101/2023.03.20.533576. Update in: Science. 2023 Jul 21;381(6655):306-312