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  • Ladislav Valkovic

About the Research

My group at the Oxford Centre for Clinical Magnetic Resonance Research (OCMR) is focused on development of new methods for cardiac metabolism assessment using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). This project will utilize the increased signal-to-noise ratio of the ultrahigh field (7T) system, as well as its potential for cardio-respiratory motion detection and correction. Previously unexplored metabolic pathways can be investigated using ultrahigh field MRS in vivo and motion correction allows free-breathing acquisition essential for investigation of metabolism in patients with cardiovascular and metabolic disorders.

MRS is a technique capable of uncovering changes in tissue chemical composition and energy metabolism non-invasively in vivo. This is particularly attractive for organs where invasive biopsy is too risky, e.g., the heart. While most changes in metabolism occur in disease, there are also physiological changes that come naturally with ageing. To reliably quantify the level of metabolic impairment caused by the disease the underlying physiological changes need to be well described.

Our current focus is on the development of novel MRS methods with high sensitivity to uncover variations in low concentration metabolites and to assess energetic metabolic fluxes in the heart. These methods will utilise motion tracking methods to remove the influence of breathing motion, and will allow absolute quantification of metabolite concentrations. Ultimately, these techniques will be combined to allow assessment of Gibbs free energy of ATP hydrolysis.

The focus of this work will be on MRSI pulse sequences with saturation pulses for saturation transfer experiments, interleaved with localizer images for breathing correction. The techniques will then be applied to study metabolic changed in patients with Diabetes and Heart Failure. This DPhil is well suited to someone interested in the interface between biology and physics. Good software design skills, including C++ and Matlab are important, and an understanding of cardiac physiology is preferable. 


Training Opportunities 

The student will be trained in MRI pulse sequence programming and spectroscopy acquisition and analysis methods, they will be by the group in OCMR and will have also access to the graduate MR course organized by the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging (WIN).


Students are encouraged to attend the MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine DPhil Course, which takes place in the autumn of their first year. Running over several days, this course helps students to develop basic research and presentation skills, as well as introducing them to a wide range of scientific techniques and principles, ensuring that students have the opportunity to build a broad-based understanding of differing research methodologies.

Generic skills training is offered through the Medical Sciences Division's Skills Training Programme. This programme offers a comprehensive range of courses covering many important areas of researcher development: knowledge and intellectual abilities, personal effectiveness, research governance and organisation, and engagement, influence, and impact. Students are actively encouraged to take advantage of the training opportunities available to them.

As well as the specific training detailed above, students will have access to a wide range of seminars and training opportunities through the many research institutes and centres based in Oxford.

The Department has a successful mentoring scheme, open to graduate students, which provides an additional possible channel for personal and professional development outside the regular supervisory framework. We hold an Athena SWAN Silver Award in recognition of our efforts to build a happy and rewarding environment where all staff and students are supported to achieve their full potential.




Three-dimensional, 2.5-minute, 7T phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging of the human heart using concentric rings. William T. Clarke, Lukas Hingerl, Bernhard Strasser, Wolfgang Bogner, Ladislav Valkovič, Christopher T. Rodgers.

Use of cardiac magnetic resonance to detect changes in metabolism in heart failure. William D. Watson1, Jack J. J. Miller1,2,3, Andrew Lewis1, Stefan Neubauer1, Damian Tyler1,2, Oliver J. Rider1, Ladislav Valkovič1,4.

Multinuclear MRS at 7T Uncovers Exercise Driven Differences in Skeletal Muscle Energy Metabolism Between Young and Seniors Patrik Krumpolec, Radka Klepochova, Ivica Just, Marjeta Tusek Jelenc, Ivan Frollo, Jozef Ukropec, Barbara Ukropec, Siegfried Trattnig, Martin Krssak, Ladislav Valkovic.