Principal Investigator Guidelines
Criteria for being designated a principal investigator (PI) in RDM
A researcher will be eligible to be a designated as an RDM PI if they meet one of the following criteria:
- Holds an intermediate level fellowship awarded in open competition from a major external funder;
- Holds significant funding in their own name, including as Co-Investigator, commensurate with their field of work and awarded in open competition from external funders;
- Has been awarded the title of University Research Lecturer (URL) or Associate Professor (AP) or holds a more senior appointment.
AND if they can demonstrate via their current CV that they have substantial independent achievements in research (publications and grant funding) and teaching (including supervision),
AND make contributions to ‘good citizenship’ within RDM and/or the wider University .
- NHS Consultants can become RDM PIs if they are awarded the title of Associate Professor.
- The MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine (MRC WIMM) uses the term Group Leader to recognise those PIs who lead independent groups of researchers within WIMM laboratories. Whereas WIMM Group Leaders will usually be RDM PIs, not all RDM PIs with in the WIMM are WIMM Group Leaders. The criteria and processes for designation as a WIMM Group Leader are set out in the policy document (MRC WIMM network access required to view) titled ‘Designation as a Group Leader in the WIMM in the Radcliffe Department of Medicine’.
Anyone wishing to discuss their eligibility to become an RDM PI should contact the Head of Strategic Research Development ( or their Head of Division in the first instance.
What being a PI in RDM means
- An RDM PI is considered by the Department to meet the “lecturer level or equivalent” eligibility requirement needed to apply for some external sources of funding and will be able to apply to these funding opportunities as the Principal Investigator/Lead applicant, subject to having a suitable contract of employment.
- An RDM PI will have an independent programme of research that may involve them supervising DPhil students and line managing research staff (research assistants/technicians, postdoctoral researchers etc).
- An RDM PI is expected to have secured and continue to secure external funding to support their research.
- An RDM PI may advertise project proposals for DPhil students as part of the Department’s process for the direct entry DPhil programme, subject to them meeting the eligibility criteria set out in the MSD Code of Practice for Supervisors including the requirement that they have an appropriate contract of employment to the completion of the student’s studies, have sufficient time to supervise students and have completed the DPhil supervisor at Oxford course.
- An RDM PI may be a supervisor of graduate students from the Department’s direct entry DPhil programme (DPhil in Medical Sciences), from Oxford-wide DPhil programmes and other graduate student programmes in accordance with the Code of Practice for Supervisors.
What an RDM PI can expect from the Department
- Assigned desk space, in accordance with the allocation of desk space by the Division in which they are based. NHS Consultants who are RDM PIs may not be provided with additional desk space.
- Appropriate bench space for their research will be assigned to them, if required, by the Division in which they are based.
- Access to shared facilities and infrastructure in accordance with the usual procedures.
- Administrative support through the Finance/Grant and Human Resources teams in their Division, to support submission of grant applications and enable effective grant management, and for recruitment of staff and advice on HR issues.
- An RDM PI will be listed in the PI section of the RDM website and can have their own research group page on the website.
- A regular progress review with their Head of Division, or designate, to discuss their progress, objectives and career development needs.
- An RDM PI will be supported by the Department to apply for suitable University titles (Associate Professor or Full Professor) when they are deemed to meet the required criteria. Advice on this process can be sought from their Head of Division or the Head of Strategic Research Development.
What the Department expects from RDM PIs
RDM PIs will:
- Complete a mandatory programme of training within six months of being awarded RDM PI status.
- Maintain the highest standards of rigour and integrity in all aspects of their research and to ensure that those they line manage and supervise also uphold these standards in accordance with the University of Oxford’s Code of Practice and procedures on academic integrity in research.
- Interact with colleagues and carry out research in a safe, respectful and considerate manner in accordance with University and Departmental values and rules on safety and general conduct in the workplace.
- Support the continuing professional development (CPD) of students and staff working in their group including the commitment for students and research staff to undertake a minimum of 10 days CPD (pro rata) per year
- Ensure that students that they are supervising develop the research skills, transferable skills and understanding of career options that they will need to progress in their careers in accordance with the MSD Code of Practice.
- Have regular 1:1s with staff and students in their group and provide research staff with an annual Career Development Review/Professional Development review to discuss their progress, objectives and career development needs.
- Promote and role model the values of equality, diversity and inclusion in their research group.
- Take practical steps to promote environmental sustainability in their laboratory and gain sustainability accreditation through the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework.
- Put in place a handbook for their research group (Lab handbook) setting out expectations, laboratory policies, modes of communication and practical information about how the group works, reviewing and updating at appropriate intervals.
- Contribute to departmental activities such as internal peer review activity, membership of panels, committees and working groups and take on leadership roles appropriate to their career stage.
Process for designation as a PI in RDM
1. RDM will operate an annual call (usually opening in December/January) inviting suitably qualified researchers to apply for RDM PI status. The applications will be reviewed by RDM’s Academic Career Panel which will make recommendations to RDM’s Senior leadership Team.
2. An application for RDM PI status should include:
- a one-page cover letter from the applicant setting out how the criteria to become an RDM PI are met covering achievements in research, teaching and ‘good citizenship’ in RDM and the wider University,
- a completed application form
- an up-to-date CV
- a letter from their current supervisor, or other appropriate senior academic within the department, highlighting the applicant’s specific contributions to research outputs and grants and contributions to teaching and citizenship activities within the department and/or University
3. Applicants can apply for RDM PI status, without applying for the title of AP.
4. In exceptional circumstances, the panel will have discretion to make decisions on conferring RDM PI status outside this annual round: the same criteria and panel membership will apply.
5. If RDM PI status is granted, the new PI will be provided with a letter from the Head of Department and their RDM Head of Division setting out the role description, expectations and the training programme.
6. If the application is unsuccessful the applicant will be provided with feedback on how their application could be improved. Unsuccessful applicants can reapply the following year.
Process for changing RDM PI status
1. RDM PI designation will be reviewed in the following situations:
- An RDM PI leaves, or their formal affiliation with the Department ceases, they retire, or their job role changes such that RDM PI status may no longer be appropriate, or there is evidence that the expectations set out in this document are not being met.
2. Key consideration in determining a change of status include:
- Whether a current RDM PI continues to run an independent programme of research and bring in external grant funding such they would be considered research active.
- The status of their formal affiliation with the Department and the appropriateness of them being able to apply for external grant funding through the Department, or propose DPhil student projects for the RDM direct entry DPhil programme.
3. Re-conferral of RDM PI status may be possible if circumstances change. Reconferral would be considered through the normal annual application round and process described above.
A document with this information is also available.
Policy effective from 12 August 2024, and updated on 20 November 2024.