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In 2014, RDM introduced a mentoring scheme for all members of the Department. The aim of the scheme is to assist staff (academic, research, professional support) and postgraduate students to achieve personal and professional growth through a mentoring relationship that provides support as they progress and develop within the University. Around 24% of RDM staff are taking part in the scheme.

© Martin Phelps

How to register?

To join the RDM Mentoring Scheme, please visit MentorNet, an online interactive platform via the links below:

MentorNet Mentor Registration

MentorNet Mentee Registration
MentorNet logo.jpg

Please refer to the Quick Start Guides on the right end side of the screen for detailed information on the MentorNet system.

For details on the matching and mentoring processes, please click on the image below: 

RDM Mentoring Scheme Flowchart


The RDM Mentoring Scheme Handbook provides all the information necessary about the mentoring scheme.

Questions about the mentoring scheme should be directed to the mentoring coordinator in the first instance.

What is mentoring?

Mentoring is a powerful personal development tool, proven to be an effective way of helping you to progress in your career and life more generally.

All staff and students can register to be mentored.

You may find it useful to be mentored at different stages in your professional life: perhaps when you are new to the University; in transition between posts, including the transition from student to staff; when wanting your career to progress or change direction; for support in balancing work with your family life; returning to work after a career break or maternity leave; or for some other reason.

All staff and graduate students with at least 12 months experience in RDM or within the University can register to be a mentor.

Becoming a mentor allows you to give something back by passing on your experience and knowledge to help other members of the department, and provides you with an opportunity to develop transferrable skills: perhaps by identifying and developing your own strengths as well as those of the mentee; challenging assumptions and clarifying misunderstandings; working with people of different backgrounds and in a different context; and practicing offering constructive and supportive feedback.

The RDM Mentoring Scheme will match mentors with relevant experience(s) with a mentee who wishes to benefit from their experience. Mentoring matches will be made from across the divisions of RDM wherever possible and appropriate.

OTHER university of oxford MENTORING SCHEMES

To read about other University Mentoring schemes please see the POD website.

Mentoring for Development

Mentoring for Development is an online programme designed to provide an introduction to the core principles of mentoring for any staff member with an interest in mentoring – whether as a mentor, mentee or mentoring co-ordinator. The programme comprises a video, resources to support mentoring and FAQs.

The programme will show you how mentoring can be used as a tool to develop yourself and to develop others, both personally and professionally.

To complement the online learning, there is a mentoring network on MS Teams, allowing you to connect with others involved in mentoring within the University, as well as regular networking events to share good practice in mentoring. You can find out more information about the Teams group and the networking events in the online programme.

Access to Mentoring For Development is via CoSy and you will need to login with your SSO.