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The Graduate Studies Committee meets termly to discuss all matters relating to graduate studies in the department.


Chair of Committee, RDM Director of Graduate Studies and Director of Graduate Studies WIMM-NDCLS

Damian Tyler, RDM,CVM

RDM Deputy Director of Graduate Studies

Vanessa Ferreira, RDM, CVM

Head of Department

Keith Channon, RDM

Local Directors of Graduate Study

Ross Chapman, WIMM

Simon Davis, WIMM

Jan Rehwinkel, WIMM

Shoumo Bhattacharya, CVM

Vanessa Ferreira, CVM

Leanne Hodson, OCDEM, NDCLS

RDM Strategic

Jane Sherwood, Head of Administration and Finance, RDM 

Jill Walker, Graduate Studies Manager, RDM

Sarah Califano, Graduate Studies Officer


Joel Atkin, Business Manager, CVM

Jo Hovard, Business Manager, IMD

Stella Keeble, Administrator, WIMM

Mark Evans, Business Manager, OCDEM

Lee-Anne Stork, Business Manager, NDCLS

Graduate Student Representatives

Antonio Rodriguez-Romera, WIMM

Tafadzwa Kufazvinei, CVM