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The RDM logo should be used on all representative communication tools, including brochures, websites, careers advertising and signage (internal and external) that relate to activities carried out at the department.

There are various colour versions of the RDM logo to suit different backgrounds. The full-colour version should be used whenever possible at all times. Greyscale versions should only be used in black and white printing such as newspapers.

RDM Logo versions

Download the RDM logos for use in Word and Powerpoint

  • Please note these logos are suitable for use in Word and Powerpoint, but are not suitable for high quality printed matter or for enlarging. To download high resolution logos, see below.
  • When you download the logos with white text and/or white skyline, it will download with a white backround, so you will not see the logo until you place it on a dark background.

Download the RDM logo in high resolution (Full colour version)

  • The RDM logo is available in a number of high resolution formats (.ai, .pdf, .jpg, .eps), for printing or for enlarging.
  • If you require a different version of the logo in high resolution, please contact RDM Communications.

RDM logo with University of Oxfo​rd logo 

The University of Oxford has a brand which is recognised across the world.

  • There are detailed guidelines​ on the University website about the brand mark, colours, fonts and so on.
  • There is also a style guide​, with information about how to write dates, use punctuation, etc

The RDM logo has been designed to work well with both the square and rectangular versions of the University logo. The RDM and University logos, scaled correctly, can be downloaded as a zip file. These logos are suitable for use in Word and Powerpoint, but are not suitable for high quality printed matter or for enlarging. For high quality printing, please download the high resolution RDM logo (contact RDM Communications for other versions) and arrange with the University logo, scaling appropriately.

Ideally the Oxford logo should appear to the right of the RDM logo. However, in some circumstances it might be appropriate to have the Oxford logo positioned to the left of the RDM logo or other identifying symbol.

RDM logo with University logo and Silver Athena Swan logo

If you'd like to include the RDM logo in your email signature, together with the University logo and the silver Athena Swan logo, you can download a version here

RDM logo with other logos

The RDM logo may appear with other organisations' branding or initiatives to support an event or literature. In this case it is important that all logos are used with equal emphasis.

Letterhead & Powerpoint template

A Letterhead Template, with the RDM and University logos (in Microsoft Word) is available to download. A Powerpoint template, incorporating the RDM logo, is available to download.

Any queries regarding the RDM logo and its use, should be directed to RDM Communications.

The logo for the Radcliffe Department of Medicine (RDM) is based on a design by Lilian Chamas, a DPhil student, and Anne Raimondo, a postdoc, both from OCDEM.