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The University has a number of policies in place that underpin financial administration and ethical decision-making processes. All staff are responsible for ensuring that they are aware of the policies and comply with them.

People working at their computers in an office.

Please find links to the policies and a brief overview below. If you have any queries or concerns, please contact Jane (, or Each policy contains details of how to report or manage issues. A list of all policies is also available.

Financial Regulations and supporting financial processes

The Financial Regulations and supporting financial processes ensure the proper use of University financial resources as well as ensuring legal obligations are fulfilled and the University can demonstrate to government bodies, funders and donors that it has good control arrangements in place. These are relevant for all staff (even if your role is not primarily financial); for example, they cover purchase of goods/services, expense claims, and managing research funding.

The finance team in the department is available to ensure that the department carries out activity in line with the Financial Regulations. So that we can best support you, please contact Jane ( in advance of relevant activities. If you would like advice from the Finance Division, please contact who will be happy to advise. 

Statement of policy and procedure on conflict of interest

Conflicts of interest are bound to arise from time to time, and the policy establishes processes to facilitate activity taking place, while ensuring that any conflicts of interest are appropriately and demonstrably managed. All members of the University are responsible for recognising situations in which they have, or could be seen to have, a conflict of interest, to declare that conflict, and to take appropriate, agreed actions to manage that conflict. Please see the leaflet for further information.

A Declaration Form and Register of Interest template was launched in May 2024, which departments can modify or adapt as required to capture conflicts of interest. Further guidance related specifically to committee business is also available. There are a number of examples and further guidance provided on the website. If you would like advice from the central University administration, please contact who will be happy to advise.

Two training courses are available:

  • Conflict of Interest: Identifying interests and making declarations - aimed at staff making declarations
  • Conflict of Interest Managing Declarations and Conflicts - aimed at those reviewing declarations and COI management plans.

Guidance Notes on the Holding of Outside Appointments

Relevant staff (see policy for details) are permitted to hold outside appointments, including consultancies, which require a commitment of time that otherwise might reasonably be expected to be devoted to University duties. This is subject to the approval of their line manager (where relevant) and their head of department or the chair of the faculty board. A separate OA1 form should be completed for each potential income-earning or financial interest which may involve a conflict of interest with an individual’s University role, as well as for holding an outside appointment. In addition, a conflict of interest management plan may have to be agreed with the head of department.

Anti-Bribery Policy

Bribery is the offering, promising, giving, requesting, or accepting of a financial or other advantage with the intention to induce or reward improper performance. The University has zero tolerance for bribery and staff are expected to act at all times in a manner that is fair, impartial, and without favouritism or bias. No member of the University should seek or accept a financial or other advantage for themselves or the University. Any suspicion of bribery should be reported.

Anti Bribery & Corruption: Managing the Risk training can be accessed via the link on the righthand side of the Anti-Bribery Policy page.

Anti-Fraud Policy

Fraud is a dishonest act or omission that is made with the intent of making a gain or causing a loss (or the risk of a loss). Staff are expected to act at all times in a manner that is fair, honest and open, and follow the Information Security Policy and other relevant guidance to reduce the risk of fraud from unauthorised access to systems and data. Any suspicion of fraud should be reported. Details of the University's Anti-Fraud Policy can be found on the main University website. 

Gifts and hospitality Policy

Gifts and hospitality are the provision or receipt of property, consumables, services, entertainment or money for which no reasonable fee is paid by the recipient. Staff should give careful consideration to the provision or receipt of gifts and hospitality in line with the policy, and should be aware of the thresholds for reporting via departmental gifts and hospitality registers and for prior authorisation (noting there is a lower limit for public officials).

Anti-Facilitation of Tax Evasion Policy

Tax evasion, and (since 2017) the deliberate and dishonest facilitation of the commission of tax evasion by another person in the UK or overseas, are criminal offences. Risks arise from a number of activities and in all cases the appropriate procedures should be followed. For example, tax evasion could occur through classifying someone as self-employed rather than as an employee (employment taxes), by misclassifying research collaboration (VAT) or through not paying local taxes in overseas countries.

If in doubt, Jane ( before commencing these activities so that we can ensure the right arrangements are in place.

Guidance for University staff for the acceptance of donations and research funding

The University’s core objectives of teaching and research are supported to a significant extent by donations and research funding. The University is careful to ensure that funding does not impinge on academic freedom or create potential conflicts of interest (that cannot be disclosed and appropriately managed), or otherwise harm the reputation of the collegiate University. In addition to considering reputational issues and the wider interests of the University, funding is also reviewed in light of the University’s responsibilities as a charity. There is a formal process for the acceptance of funding, which forms part of the Financial Regulations of the University.

If a donation is anticipated or you are entering discussions about donations to the University, you should, as early as possible, contact the team or individual responsible for development in their area, who will be able to assist with ensuring that the correct process is followed and unnecessary delays avoided (contacts are detailed on the website).

Research Services has a process to check research funding and departments can ask Research Services to undertake the checks (or flag potential issues) at any point in the pre-award negotiations/application phase. Undertaking checks early in the process will help avoid later delays.

Public interest disclosure (whistle-blowing) code of practice

The University places the greatest importance on the integrity of its operations, and has in place a number of policies and procedures to address problems that may arise for its employees and students, including those relating to grievance, harassment, discipline and individual allegations of fraud. Where there are genuine concerns about possible malpractices or improprieties that are not adequately covered by other University policies or procedures, staff are encouraged to make a public interest disclosure via email to or Alternatively, staff can also opt to report concerns anonymously by filling out the Suspicious Activity Report.

International Working Arrangements Policy

The Overseas Working Policy outlines guidelines for staff working outside of the UK, ensuring compliance with local laws, tax obligations, and University requirements. This policy supports the University’s global mission while protecting both individual employees and the institution. Staff considering overseas working must review the policy to understand their responsibilities and seek the necessary approvals before committing to work outside the UK. Details guidance and resources are available to assist staff and managers in understanding the implications and ensuring compliance. For further clarification please contact the Finance Division or HR.

Staff can obtain approval for International Working Arrangements by filling out this form.

Risk Management Framework 

The Risk Management Framework in accordance with Risk Management Policy provides a structured approach to identifying, assessing, and managing risks across the University, ensuring alignment with its strategic objectives and compliance requirements. This framework enables informed decision-making and supports a proactive culture of risk management.

Staff are responsible for understanding and engaging in risk management by systematically identifying risks, assessing their likelihood and impact, and implementing controls to mitigate or transfer risks as necessary. Heads of departments, divisions, services, and faculties must ensure risk management practices are embedded in their teams, and are accountable for regular monitoring and management of risks in line with the University’s framework.