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The RDM Research Strategy and Funding team provides advice and guidance on applying for funding.

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who ARE the rdm research strategy and funding team?

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Dr Sarah Ball Head of Strategic Research Development Supports researchers interested in applying for RDM PI status, an Associate Professor or full Professor title. Provides support in arranging departmental or divisional support for large strategic bids.
Jessica Bassett Research Facilitator Supports researchers based in the WIMM, NDCLS and IMD with intermediate fellowship applications, applications for internal funding, and letters of support from the Head of Department. 
Dr Nuala Simpson Research Facilitator and Operations Manager for the Novo Nordisk - Oxford Fellowship Programme Supports researchers based in CVM and OCDEM with intermediate fellowship applications, applications for internal funding, and letters of support from the Head of Department. 
Dr Serena Briant Senior Research Facilitator and Programme Manager for the Novo Nordisk - Oxford Fellowship Programme Novo Nordisk - Oxford Fellowship Programme

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what support do we offer?

  • Support for researchers applying for internal funding, including an internal peer review of applications prior to submission for some internal funds.
  • Support for researchers applying for intermediate fellowships (i.e. those fellowships aimed at establishing an independent research programme and group), including letters of support from the Head of Department, feedback on applications, internal peer review of applications prior to submission and mock interviews if selected for interview.
  • Support for researchers applying for senior fellowships (i.e. those fellowships aimed at establishing an internationally leading research programme) including letters of support from the Head of Department and feedback on the application.

The support we offer is not intended to replace the support provided by your supervisor/sponsor, or your local divisional admin teams. Rather, we hope to add an additional level of oversight to ensure that RDM can provide the best possible advice and support for applicants applying for intermediate fellowships, thus supporting the career progression of our researchers transitioning to independence.

what resources are available in rdm?

  • Information about internal and external funding opportunities
  • Funding information is disseminated in the RDM Weekly Bulletin, which details upcoming funding deadlines and any RDM internal deadlines. Earlier internal deadlines may be set in cases where our department can only submit a limited number of applications, or where letters of support are required, or where the application needs to be internally peer-reviewed within RDM prior to submission.
  • See advice on the practicalities of applying for funding.
  • A helpful guide on how to write a lay summary.