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If you are thinking of applying for research funding, including outline/preliminary applications and proposals made by external collaborators with an Oxford component, please discuss your plans with your local grants administration team at the earliest stage possible. Depending on the type of application, you will also need to obtain permission from your Head of Division or the Head of Department before submitting. For further information, please refer to the guidance set out in the Policy and Procedure for Signing off Grant, Equipment and Spinout Applications in RDM.

Most proposals require an internal costing using the University’s costing and pricing tool X5 and your local grants team can provide this and other support.

Research Services are required to check most applications and therefore must receive all application content including the X5 costing at least five working days ahead of the funder deadline (sometimes 10 depending on the  funding call). Local teams require additional time and this needs to be factored in too.

For information on your local procedure and contacts please see guidance below.