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  1. Contact our office on to let us know you are interested in putting in an application.
  2. Two forms will be sent to you to complete: the Grant Approval Form and Project Costing form. Please complete them as far as possible and return to the Grants Officer assigned to you. They will then begin to create the X5 costing for your proposal.
  3. Within two (2) working days of us having received these, we will email you the X5 costing. Once you have agreed on the X5 details we will enter the relevant information to your application. You will need to provide us with your logon and password if it is an electronic application.
  4. As you continue to work on your application please let our team know if you need to make changes to the X5 costing and we will do this for you.
  5. We can help get the necessary signatures for you. The Heads of Department need to see the final version of the application and therefore we require you to have the application with us at least two (2) working days before it is submitted to Research Services.
  6. All applications have to be with Research Services at least five (5) working days prior to submission. They will only accept completed applications (the science can be tweaked but there can be no changes to the X5).
  7. Our team will interact with Research Services and can help make sure the application is taken over to them if it is not in electronic format, or collected if a wet-ink signature is required.

In most cases, and unless agreed otherwise, we will submit the applications in hard copy on your behalf when this is required. Please note that depending on the time of the submission deadline, we may need to submit the application in the days prior to the closing date (if the closing date is in the weekend or a public holiday).



Often you, the PI, will receive notification of the outcome of your application. Sometimes Research Services will also receive a copy. Whatever the outcome of your application please note the CC on your award letter and if the Business Manager of Experimental Medicine has not been notified could you please scan a copy into your PC and email it to: 

  1. We will forward this letter to Research Services, if they have not received a copy, so that they can begin the process for setting up your award.
  2. They send the details to Research Accounts and they set up the award. This can take a few weeks depending on their workload but they do try to set them up within 10 working days.
  3. Once the Business Manager of Exp. Med has a copy of the award letter and you wish to begin the process for employing staff or spending money on the grant please email the Business Manager. The Business Manager will confirm in writing if spending can commence before the grant is set up by Research Accounts. The relevant people in Exp. Med administration will be cc'd into the email so they are aware that you are able to being spending. This is possible because we have a pre- award account and depending on the circumstances we can often allow some spending to start. Also due to the process of employing staff taking at least 4 weeks we can usually allow this process to begin.



  1. Once Research Accounts has created an award we will be sent a grant code which we will send to you. This is the code that must be quoted for purchasing, invoicing, personnel costs, lab costs etc.
  2. The financial system Oracle has the budget entered under the categories in accordance with what was asked for in the application.  However, Oracle does not stop your overspending and we manually check the balances regularly.
  3. To support your management of your grants you will be sent an Award Status report once a month (except for the month of August when Oracle is not accessible due to Year End finance).
  4. Research Accounts often send the PI the information for when financial reports are due, we usually also get a copy of this email. Please note that the dates that Research Accounts give are very important and if you require assistance please contact
  5. Also if you are going to be away when the forms are due please arrange for them to be signed (if required) BEFORE you go away and leave them with our office.
  6. When you require extensions to current grants please contact us in plenty of time so we can arrange for this to happen. Often if they are complex they can take a number of months to work through.
  7. Personnel keep up-to-date records on staff whose contracts are due to end in 3 months and send out letters to these staff. Please let us know in plenty of time if there is something we need to know or contact the Business Manager.