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Please contact Felicity Green  to let us know you are interested in submitting a grant application. The earlier this can be done, the better, however a minimum of 10 working days notice before the funder deadline is required.

A meeting will be arranged to gather the relevant details needed in order to get a draft X5 costing started for your application.  Once a budget has been agreed and finalised we will enter the relevant budget information into your application form – you will need to provide us with your log in and password details if the application is online.

Research Services will review the complete application (once submitted to them no changes can be made to the finance section and corresponding X5 costing) and require a minimum of five working days to do their checks prior to submission to funder, so all other online approvals such as Head of Department and any co-applicants must be provided in good time.

If any queries or issues arise from this review,  we will work with you to resolve them. Once Research Services have approved the application, depending on application process, they will submit to the funder.


Please let us know as soon as you have heard the outcome of your application – whether successful or not. Please forward on a copy of the outcome on to  for our records.

If successful, please send on a copy of the award letter as soon as possible. Once we have this the we can commence the set-up of your award with Research Services.

We will need to know a proposed start date - please take into account the time required for any potential recruitment exercises that may need to take place prior to the award starting.


Once Research Accounts have set up the award on our finance system, we will send you, and other relevant people within the team, an email with details of how to access and spend the budget and any Funder terms and conditions. You will be given a unique code to spend against. Please quote this number in all correspondence with the admin team regarding your award.


You will be sent a monthly project status activity report which will provide information on budgets and expenditure and an opportunity to check through all spend incurred during the preceding month. Please spend some time looking over this report each month and if you have any queries contact

If you require any changes to be made to the grant such as a no cost or cost extension, please inform us in plenty of time and we can help with the administration required.

Please also let us know if you are aware of any staff changes on any of your awards. We will be in touch in advance of an award ending to find out if there are plans for more grant applications/renewals and to enquire about plans for staff members currently employed on your award(s).