RDM Day 2025 abstract guidelines
Please use the following guidelines and template information for your RDM Day abstract submission.
Abstract guidelines and template
- Keep your submission to one A4 page (including figures and graphics).
- Limit the main text to approximately 250 words in Calibri 11 (text linked to images in Calibri 9).
- Provide departmental affiliations in the following format: Division/Institute, Department, University, Country.
- Use the following sub-headings to layout your abstract:
- Title
- Authors
- Departmental affiliations
- Abstract
- Underline the presenting author and identify if they are a DPhil student or postdoc/fellow.
- Include the research rationale (written for a non-specialist audience), methodology, results and conclusions. Note that abstracts/posters should not contain commercially sensitive data (e.g., data to be used in a patent application) – all selected poster abstracts will be published in the event programme and the Andrew Wiles Building is accessible to the public.
- Number citations sequentially in the text and keep to a minimum.
- Include a figure, if appropriate.
- Consider including a graphical abstract, which is a single‐panel image designed to give non-specialised readers an immediate understanding of the poster’s take‐home message.
Submitting your abstract
- To submit your abstract, you must first fill out the RDM Day registration form to attend.
- You must then complete the Poster abstract submission form, uploading your abstract as a Word file when prompted.
- The deadline for submissions is 12 noon on Monday 3 February.