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OCDEM operates a Personal Development and Review Scheme (PDR), in line with the University’s scheme guidance.

The scheme is for all staff whether on fixed-term, permanent or open-ended contracts

Participating in an annual PDR discussion enables staff to;

–   Review the progress they have made over the last year
–   Discuss additional support they might need to undertake their work over the coming year
–   Discuss their career plans and what support the department or central university can do to help fulfil those plans.

The scheme enables staff, where appropriate to discuss and agree with their line manager their forthcoming objectives and to understand how those objectives fit with the Department’s.

Personal Development & Review Scheme Process Chart

Personal Development And Review Presentation - OCDEM

Personal Development and Review  - University People and Organisational Development

Personal Development Review Scheme Form

Personal Development Handbook For Reviewers

For research staff being reviewed, the Vitae Researcher Development Framework can be viewed or downloaded here and the Oxford University's Researcher Checklist, providing structured prompts about what to consider at each key stage of your contract can be found here