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Prof Fredrik Karpe and Dr Ioannis Spiliotis have been interviewed by BBC Oxford as part of World Diabetes Day 2017 (14 November).

© Geraldine Yebra
World Diabetes Day

Prof Fredrik Karpe discussed risk factors for type 2 diabetes and the need for volunteers to take part in research to help us find better ways of treating diabetes. It is becoming clear that there is no ‘one-stop’ treatment approach for the disease and by carrying out research in cohorts of volunteers through the Oxford Biobank, Prof Karpe and his team aim to better stratify patients for therapy. You can listen in to the interview here from 1:08:35.

Dr Ioannis Spiliotis highlighted the multi-disciplinary research taking place in OCDEM and raised awareness of the different forms of diabetes – and their causes. He delved into the complex interplay between genetics and lifestyle, and how they combine to cause diabetes. There was also discussion around gestational diabetes – the theme of this year’s World Diabetes Day. You can listen here from 1:08:00.