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Congratulations to Professor Jeremy Tomlinson on winning an award for ‘Outstanding Chief Investigator’ from the National Institute of Health and Care Research’s (NIHR) Thames Valley and South Midlands Clinical Research Network (LCRN).

Jeremy Tomlinson

Jeremy, along with other researchers who support the work of the NIHR, was recognised at an event which celebrated 10 years of the LCRN and hosted by Joe Harrison, Chief Executive, Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Dr Nick Thomas, the LCRN’s Clinical Director.

Researchers were nominated across nine award categories by LCRN colleagues and chosen by a judging panel.

Jeremy Tomlinson is a Professor of Metabolic Endocrinology in RDM’s Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism. His work aims to understand and teat metabolic diseases, in particular, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. The Tomlinson Group also focuses on the role of steroid hormones and their metabolism in the development, assessment and treatment of metabolic diseases including NAFLD, obesity and type 2 diabetes.

On receiving his award, he commented: ‘I’m absolutely delighted to have been nominated and won this award. Clinical research is very much a team sport, and nothing would have been possible without the dedicated support and hard work of the CRN nursing and support staff alongside all the other members of our research team who are fundament to the successful delivery of our studies that aim to improve patient care.’