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Black and white photo of smiling older woman with gray hair, wearing a striped suit jacket and pearl necklace.

The Swedish Society of Medicine has awarded the 2022 Nylin Medal to Professor Barbara Casadei, in recognition of the scientific excellence of her work, and her efforts in developing EuroHeart, a European Society of Cardiology initiative based on a collaboration between national registeries. Professor Casadei has also been a past President of the European Society of Cardiology.

Professor Casadei has also been appointed the 2022 Nylin Lecturer, and on Thursday 9 February 2023, she will be giving the Nylin Lecture at the Swedish Society of Cardiology meeting.

The Nylin lecture (named after Professor Gustav Nylin, co-founder and first President of the Swedish Society of Cardiology) dates back to 1958, and aims to promote scientific contact through lectures in the field of cardiovascular disease every other year.

Very many congratulations to Professor Casadei!

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