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On Monday 10 June, more than 50 members of RDM met to kick off the ‘Metabolism in Molecular Medicine’ cross-cutting research theme.

Illustration of patient and organs and doctors © vector4stock on Freepik

The Radcliffe Department of Medicine is developing cross-cutting research themes to provide opportunities to collaborate across the Department, to harness the depth and breadth of world-leading research expertise, and to stimulate the development of new cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary programmes of research.

metabolism in molecular medicine

The Metabolism Theme Steering Group (Sarah Ball, Robin Choudhury, David Ray and Hal Drakesmith) welcomed the momentum generated to help build new cross-disciplinary research across the Department. Attendees were very keen to make use of the wide array of leading-edge technology in RDM to address important questions in medicine from the perspective of metabolism.

Methodologies and projects

Speakers described key methodologies including stable isotope labelling and tracing in humans, hyperpolarised MRI to track metabolism in real time, single-cell metabolic profiling via mass cytometry, and the analytic capabilities of the Nuffield Department of Medicine metabolomics and lipidomics facilities. Others presented research projects on fat storage and distribution in relation genomics and disease pathogenesis, the role of extracellular vesicles as diagnostic tools, and insights into pathology in heart disease and diabetes.

moving forward

Attendees formulated new ideas for collaborative research projects, and described key challenges and obstacles in their fields. Further discussions will build on this initial input to generate a research strategy for the theme.

Getting involved

If you are a researcher based in RDM with an interest in joining the discussion on this theme, please contact Hal Drakesmith.