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Participation in the OxVALVE Study was through invitation by selected Oxfordshire GPs, Phase One recruitment is now complete with Phase Two participation by invite to existing participants only.

Phase Two

EchocardiogramPhase one participants will be sent an invitation to make an appointment to attend an OxVALVE Clinic at their local surgery, approximately five years after your first visit.  We are currently following-up participants who are registered at Banbury Cross Health Centre .  During your appointment you will be asked some brief questions about your medical history and your blood pressure and weight will be measured.  An ultra-sound machine (pictured) will then be used to obtain images of your heart (this will involve undressing to the waist, a gown will be provided for modesty, and laying on an examination couch whilst the Sonographer holds a small probe against your chest).

This painless procedure (known as an Echocardiogram) will take no longer than half an hour. Once the investigation is complete the Sonographer will be able to explain the results of the scan and whether any further appointments are appropriate. With your permission a  blood sample will also  taken.

An ECG will also be performed (sticky electrodes will be placed on your legs, arms and chest so that a tracing of your heart’s rate and rhythm can be obtained).

We will also invite you to wear activity monitor (on a wristband) to assess your normal patters of activity and an ambulatory heart monitor (to assess your heart rate and rhythm).  These monitors will record for a 5-7 day period.

For further information please refer to the OxVALVE Patient Information Sheet.