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Abhirup Banerjee

PhD, MStat, BSc (Hons)

Royal Society University Research Fellow

Multi-Modal Integration of Cardiac Imaging During Real-Time Catheterisation

My research work is mainly focused on the Development of an automated system to co-register 3D coronary arterial (CA) tree from 2D x-ray angiograms with corresponding 3D volume rendering of the heart from cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). I have joined the Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford as the Royal Society University Research Fellow from October 2022. I previously worked as the Postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Robin Choudhury (CVM) since August 2017 and currently hold the Visitor Status in the CVM.

I have developed a novel solution for automated 3D CA tree reconstruction from multiple 2D angiographic projections and currently working on the application of 3D model for non-invasive extraction of clinically significant information. Along with my main research in cardiovascular imaging, I am involved in few biomedical imaging projects, such as 3D reconstruction of cerebro-vascular tree, coronary sinus, etc. I have served as the Stipendiary Lecturer in Engineering Science in the Mansfield College, Oxford between January-June 2020.

I have received the BSc (Hons) and Master degree both in Statistics from the University of Calcutta and the Indian Statistical Institute, respectively. I have obtained my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, for my work on Automated Segmentation of Brain Tissue Classes from MR Images.

I serve as an Innovation Champion in the Oxford University Innovation and a Mental Health First Aider in the RDM. In my personal life, I am an avid movie buff and a street photographer.

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